Thursday, December 23, 2010

My Name

Dzień dobry!!!! (Good day in Polish)

My name is Desne Jodamus and all my life I have been having trouble with my name...either people call me something that is not remotely linked to my Desmond!!!! Hello? Cant you see I have boobies and a high pitched voice? With all things considered, today we find Desmond's with boobies and a high pitched voices. Moving along...the other thing that will happen when I introduce myself to older coloured people is this...they would say...oh Desne, sorry just pronounce it again man...oh is it like your mother and you father's name put together to make one name?? or they would ask me is you dad's name Desmond? lol..I mean what's up with Desmond?? All I do is put that huge smile on my face and say no, it's not and then I just move along thinking...ya typical...or people end up calling me Desiree because the pronunciation of my name is the same just without the ray and it's pronounced Deznay...

But now ladies and gentleman after 27 years on this beautifully speck of an earth I am proud to announce the true origin of my name....duuumduuumdaaadam....drum roll....presenting...Desne is originallly a  municipal town in a coastal village in Croatia and it's one of 7 of it's kind with a population of 120 people according to Census 2001 and these fun facts are compliments of the oh so ever convenient Wiki...also the village has a lake named Desne as well...yeah!!! I know some people are named after Countries, City's and Continents but it sure freaken hell is good to sound intelligent when someone asks...So what's the meaning of your name or where does it come from...:)

Now that coloured Aunties and Uncles can go sleep...because my name is's not something made up by two people who ran out of names to give their children, although, to be honest my folks didn't know the origin of my name...they just liked the sound of it...

PS: if you are from the's perfectly ok in S.A to use the word "coloured", so dear reader DO NOT be alarmed or offended :0) my country this blog is plotitically

Important sure to know the origin of your kids names, why you naming them that and that they know will save them on countless of minutes researching their name and having too many i don't know's to a huge amount of people...:0)

Fluit fluit my story is uit...

Till next time...oh and if you don't know and wondering I am I can talk about coloured then again in our "new South Africa" everyday talks about everybody...even about all our Presidents...Jacob Zuma and  Julius Malema...ok maybe not funny but ya...

Peace out and God Bless...

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