Tuesday, December 21, 2010

First Day of blogging

Ha! So here I am a blogger...never thought this day would come...sometimes I have so much to say but yet so little so we'll see how this all unfolds...the blog of Dee is just some random things that will be written by me and due to what I see...

I'm thinking who the heck is going to read this???I'm just writting because I am at work and it's the end of year and not much to do...mmm...maybe I can write about how great my lunch was??? No no...dont think that Japanese readers are interested in how great my fish was...mmmm....well that is if anybody will be reading this...:)...no smiley face needed...no one reading yet...

I have a dream and I am wondering who can help me make that dream come true!!!
That is on my mind right now...I know this is not facebook but I just felt like writting what's on my mind...hheehhee

I have a dream...mmm I wonder if Matin Luther King was alive what He would say?? Most likely this...I have a dream....

Ok so this is my first jot and then i will see how this goes...will I be able to run the course of the blogging world or just fade in the wind???

Who knows maybe the readers who I will have will be with me on this journey of realising my dream :)

Till my next blog and until I figure out how to work this...peace out and God bless!!!


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