Thursday, February 10, 2011

From drips and drabs

Ah Bon Jour!!!

Today is possibly one of the most challenging days that I will encounter in my life :) Yet I am smiling and I have peace...through it all...God knows my name...and if you read the last blog then you know it version of standup comedy...anyway getting back to the real deal...

So I am on this quest to realizing my dream, and in my first blog I ended off by saying I have a dream and now readers (speaking in faith), I will be taking you on that journey to me realizing every dream I have in my heart. This is it!!! No I'm not referring to MJ's story. This is my story...

It begins with a passage to India. That's all...a simple passage to India, with absolutely no money to pay for the ticket but yet I see me there. I see me beginning the journey to live the life that is and was purposed for me. I see me and how many of us in our lives can say that we see us? Or, that we see ourselves in our lives? We always see others, their things, our things, our obstacles but do we ever see us and who we can become no matter what lies ahead of us?  Well I am answering yes to that, I am saying that I SEE ME and if you are reading this then great because this will only enrich your life and change your perspective. When my invitation to India came to work for a few days with people of all disabilities, I prayed, got my answer and accepted. With zero balance for the trip I went to R850 in a few weeks and come June I will be on my way to India...

So now I wan to pose this question, is there anything too hard for the Lord? If he could start me off with zero balance and increase according to my need what can’t he do for you?

Be sure to read my next blog because I will be posting the next balance increase for my trip to India and share what God had done and how He had made a way for me.

Reader, the fact that you found this blog is because God wants you to know what I write. You can’t stumble across this page in a wide search because Dee is not most likely to be searched, so just know that God is speaking and wanting to build your faith.

The love of God comes with no measure and no pressure, it just comes.

Much love, God Bless

Ciao Ciao
Dee :) 

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