Thursday, February 10, 2011

From drips and drabs

Ah Bon Jour!!!

Today is possibly one of the most challenging days that I will encounter in my life :) Yet I am smiling and I have peace...through it all...God knows my name...and if you read the last blog then you know it version of standup comedy...anyway getting back to the real deal...

So I am on this quest to realizing my dream, and in my first blog I ended off by saying I have a dream and now readers (speaking in faith), I will be taking you on that journey to me realizing every dream I have in my heart. This is it!!! No I'm not referring to MJ's story. This is my story...

It begins with a passage to India. That's all...a simple passage to India, with absolutely no money to pay for the ticket but yet I see me there. I see me beginning the journey to live the life that is and was purposed for me. I see me and how many of us in our lives can say that we see us? Or, that we see ourselves in our lives? We always see others, their things, our things, our obstacles but do we ever see us and who we can become no matter what lies ahead of us?  Well I am answering yes to that, I am saying that I SEE ME and if you are reading this then great because this will only enrich your life and change your perspective. When my invitation to India came to work for a few days with people of all disabilities, I prayed, got my answer and accepted. With zero balance for the trip I went to R850 in a few weeks and come June I will be on my way to India...

So now I wan to pose this question, is there anything too hard for the Lord? If he could start me off with zero balance and increase according to my need what can’t he do for you?

Be sure to read my next blog because I will be posting the next balance increase for my trip to India and share what God had done and how He had made a way for me.

Reader, the fact that you found this blog is because God wants you to know what I write. You can’t stumble across this page in a wide search because Dee is not most likely to be searched, so just know that God is speaking and wanting to build your faith.

The love of God comes with no measure and no pressure, it just comes.

Much love, God Bless

Ciao Ciao
Dee :) 

Thursday, December 23, 2010

My Name

DzieƄ dobry!!!! (Good day in Polish)

My name is Desne Jodamus and all my life I have been having trouble with my name...either people call me something that is not remotely linked to my Desmond!!!! Hello? Cant you see I have boobies and a high pitched voice? With all things considered, today we find Desmond's with boobies and a high pitched voices. Moving along...the other thing that will happen when I introduce myself to older coloured people is this...they would say...oh Desne, sorry just pronounce it again man...oh is it like your mother and you father's name put together to make one name?? or they would ask me is you dad's name Desmond? lol..I mean what's up with Desmond?? All I do is put that huge smile on my face and say no, it's not and then I just move along thinking...ya typical...or people end up calling me Desiree because the pronunciation of my name is the same just without the ray and it's pronounced Deznay...

But now ladies and gentleman after 27 years on this beautifully speck of an earth I am proud to announce the true origin of my name....duuumduuumdaaadam....drum roll....presenting...Desne is originallly a  municipal town in a coastal village in Croatia and it's one of 7 of it's kind with a population of 120 people according to Census 2001 and these fun facts are compliments of the oh so ever convenient Wiki...also the village has a lake named Desne as well...yeah!!! I know some people are named after Countries, City's and Continents but it sure freaken hell is good to sound intelligent when someone asks...So what's the meaning of your name or where does it come from...:)

Now that coloured Aunties and Uncles can go sleep...because my name is's not something made up by two people who ran out of names to give their children, although, to be honest my folks didn't know the origin of my name...they just liked the sound of it...

PS: if you are from the's perfectly ok in S.A to use the word "coloured", so dear reader DO NOT be alarmed or offended :0) my country this blog is plotitically

Important sure to know the origin of your kids names, why you naming them that and that they know will save them on countless of minutes researching their name and having too many i don't know's to a huge amount of people...:0)

Fluit fluit my story is uit...

Till next time...oh and if you don't know and wondering I am I can talk about coloured then again in our "new South Africa" everyday talks about everybody...even about all our Presidents...Jacob Zuma and  Julius Malema...ok maybe not funny but ya...

Peace out and God Bless...

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The famous house


Well looky looky who’s back with another jot...

Was just yesterday when I started blogging and I am back for another round... :)

I feel so pressured to write the right the goes...

There's this house in 3rd Avenue Grassy Park Cape Town that always seems to have the town talking this time of year...

And this year it put us on the map...on the front page of our local newspaper...Some pics attached...

We stopped at the house last night and I was wondering why would someone pay so much money to light up a house? I mean it's not like he's doing Eskom any favours, seeing as to how they already milking us with their exorbitant electricity tariffs...but I noticed he had a huge box for donations in the midst of all the twinkling lights...and then I thought…good act of faith ...but needless to say no body noticed it and those who did just played pretend…so I guess we all know where his Christmas bonus is going…

As we were getting ready to leave, these kids approach my friend Derecia asking her to take some pics with Santa...she's like ok go stand over there with Father Christmas...the one girl...sits on the inflated Santa...I guess she thought that she had to pose like in one of those pics you take at the mall...and Santa just gives in...she wasn’t even shocked…I just remember her trying to pick him up and all he did was cave in and then she just moved to position herself on his lap again or in this case on his knee caps…that was funny…oblivious to what had happened she just wanted her picture taken…lol

Shame he nearly suffered death by deflation...
As we exited the gates of the Famous House I hear the kids mother screaming at them from the gate...ek kan julle nooit nerens neemie...weet julle ha ah nee man ko net weg ha...os gaan nou huis toe… English the mom was just saying get a way there you embarrassing me by your behaviour, you always have to act this way. This is why I can't take you is a typical rendition of generations of mothers in every culture and’s so funny, I think I will be signing that same song one day…

Well at least Santa survived the night…wonder who will try to sit on him tonight...

Till my next blog…maybe tomorrow lol…oh and if you are reading this thanks, because quite frankly I think I am the only one…

Ciao Ciao…and God Bless

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

First Day of blogging

Ha! So here I am a blogger...never thought this day would come...sometimes I have so much to say but yet so little so we'll see how this all unfolds...the blog of Dee is just some random things that will be written by me and due to what I see...

I'm thinking who the heck is going to read this???I'm just writting because I am at work and it's the end of year and not much to do...mmm...maybe I can write about how great my lunch was??? No no...dont think that Japanese readers are interested in how great my fish was...mmmm....well that is if anybody will be reading this...:) smiley face one reading yet...

I have a dream and I am wondering who can help me make that dream come true!!!
That is on my mind right now...I know this is not facebook but I just felt like writting what's on my mind...hheehhee

I have a dream...mmm I wonder if Matin Luther King was alive what He would say?? Most likely this...I have a dream....

Ok so this is my first jot and then i will see how this goes...will I be able to run the course of the blogging world or just fade in the wind???

Who knows maybe the readers who I will have will be with me on this journey of realising my dream :)

Till my next blog and until I figure out how to work this...peace out and God bless!!!
